Seeking relief? I’m a body code and emotion code practitioner in Arizona and I’m here to help. – Paula, ECP1, BCP2, BCP3, LMT
Does this sound like you?
You have a health challenge you can’t get to the bottom of.
You’ve seen practitioners and sought advice with no success.
You’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to help.
Your challenges are getting in the way of your life!
If it does, let’s talk!
I’ve been an energy healer for some time. Specifically – I’ve been a body code and emotion code practitioner in Arizona since 2016. My specialty is assisting those energetically attuned and on their path of purpose to clear the obstacles that often appear as physical health challenges. Some of my favorite tools for this purpose are the Emotion Code and The Body Code. In fact, they’re usually the first tools I reach for in my tool kit. Read on, and let’s see if these tools can help you…
Simple. Powerful.
The Emotion Code and The Body Code are simple but powerful tools. Each utilizes the practice of muscle testing to ask your body questions about challenges, blocks, trapped emotions, or harmful patterns. In every Emotion Code / Body Code session, we clear away the junk and allow the body to re-balance itself. Once we’ve found an area where work is most urgently needed, we utilize the power of deep intention to remove and resolve these challenges. You’ll never need to re-hash old hurts or undergo physical manipulations – results arise clearly and readily. As we repeat this process, discomfort is eased, and physical dis-ease fades into the background.
This session is for you if you:
Are ready to experience relief
Are open to allowing the process to unfold, even though you might not understand everything.
Understand that there may be an energetic pattern or lesson behind the health challenge, and you are curious about what it could be.
Though I’m a locally-based Body Code and Emotion Code practitioner in Arizona (the Tuscon area) nearly all of my sessions are delivered virtually; some can even take place while you’re at work or running errands. I work solely with your subconscious mind and its innate wisdom in these cases.
In many cases, we’ll be on the phone together as we enter our healing sessions. For these sessions, here’s what I suggest.
Find your favorite quiet space. You can lay down if you wish; just ensure you’re comfortable. Try to ensure you feel safe and focused in this space – it’s best to avoid interruption during the healing session.
We’ll start by checking in to see what you’ve been experiencing and what’s on your mind. We’ll use this check-in time to decide where to start.
In each session, your subconscious mind knows what it needs and will guide me as to what it wants to heal. I’ll proceed by asking a series of yes or no questions to raise and clarify the most urgent issues. Once we’ve isolated a problem, I’ll work with your body’s governing meridian to resolve the issue. From there, we’ll proceed to the next issue or challenge your body’s wisdom guides us to.
After a session, I suggest taking extra care of yourself over the next 24 hours. This includes drinking plenty of water and allowing extra rest. You can expect to start feeling lighter and more grounded right away.
Step 1. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation discovery session. You can do that right here.
Step 2. Watch your email for questions from me. Before we hop on the phone, I’d like to know a bit about you and what you’d like to achieve in our work together.
Step 3. Hit “reply” to that email and answer the questions.
Step 4. At the scheduled time of your discovery session, we’ll discover! We’ll use the opportunity to ensure we’re the perfect fit before you commit.
Step 5. Then we’ll get started! If you decide to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps for proceeding with my services. If you choose not to work with me or if we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.
Have questions? Email me.